BuFaTa of Linguistics
The BuFaTa of Linguistics is a public meeting for students of various linguistic disciplines, especially for their representatives (Fachschaft). It is held mainly in Germany.
All students of any linguistic discipline are welcome to participate, regardless of membership in an elected or non-elected fachschaft, especially those participating in the StuTS as well. There is a naturally close tie between StuTS and BuFaTa. Both events are therefore traditionally held simultaneously at the same university every semester. Even though the BuFaTa of Linguistics primarily deems itself the represenation of linguistic fachschafts of Germany, participants from other countries are very welcome, too. This is to foster a network and exchange of information across various educational and scientific systems.
The BuFaTa of Linguistics expressly deems itself not as a mere means of communication, but rather aims at actively promoting change in teaching and research. Discussion both in the assembly and in specific task forces shall be the BuFaTa of Linguistics’ basic means of doing its work.
We would be happy to welcome you to one of our next BuFaTas – come around and get into the act! Learn more about the next StuTS, where the next BuFaTa will be held, here.
If you have questions, suggestions for new projects or ideas of any kind, feel free to e-mail us: info [at] bufata.stuts.de.